Since forming, as a proactive collection of Hillsborough families, survivors and supporters in Feb 1998, the Campaign has struggled to bring Hillsborough and the continued lack of justice back into the public domain on many occassions.
Many people are aware that all clubs now observe a minutes silence on 15th April following the group's letter campaign. In this section you can read on this and other successes the group has acheived, as well as ongoing activites.
Click here to find out the latest news.
The Hillsborough Justice Campaign
PO Box 1089
178 Walton Breck Road
L69 4WR
Tel / fax : 0151 2605262
Documents in Liverpool Library - Evidence Presented to Stuart-Smith Scrutiny
All evidence that had been gathered and presented to the Scrutiny of Lord Justice Stuart Smith was stored in the House of Commons Library. Initial requests to view the material was met with the response that this was possible but only under specific conditions. Firstly, families must indicate in advance precisely which documents they wished to view. Secondly, the documents could only be viewed in the House of Commons library.
Obviously these conditions were unacceptable to all. The first condition necessitated families knowing what documents they wanted to view when for many the aim of the exercise was to discover the totality of evidence presented. The second condition was unacceptable for very obvious reasons. The cost of potentially numerous visits to London was prohibitive as well as the demands this would put on people's time.
The Hillsborough Justice Campaign decided to fight to have the documents brought to Liverpool. Representations were made to Jack Straw ( Home Secretary at the time) and the Merseyside MP's. After a great deal of time and effort it was finally agreed to place all documents in Liverpool City Library in the centre of the city (William Brown Street). This finally happened in November 2000.
Families were pleased to have the opportunity to view the material and attempt to locate statements of police who had been named in respect of their loved ones. Most however, were to be disappointed. Many of the statements quite simply were not there.
Dave Church in particular, painstakingly went though all the indexes and viewed all the evidence in the library. He was appalled at what he found (or didn't find). He found numerous fictitious accounts of police heroism on the day of the disaster. He also found much contradictory evidence which clearly should have been challenged in the early days of legal procedures but certainly should have been highlighted by the Stuart Smith Scrutiny. What he failed to find however, were fans statements. They simply weren't there.
It is the firm belief of the HJC that the documents in the Liverpool City Library are an edited version of what was originally presented to the Stuart Smith Scrutiny.